Friday, August 1, 2014

The tea on hair shedding!

Hi there, I'd like to start this post by reiterating that these are MY personal experiences and I'm not an expert on this subject, I've just done some research and have found what works for me.

Anyway, on to the good part.

A few months ago after giving birth and being extremely depressed I noticed that my hair was falling out, I figured it was due to the hormones from giving birth and what not... I didn't really stress over it because I know that shedding after giving birth is normal and I figured it would stop one day, that was until one day about three months ago when I washed my hair and looked in the mirror and I felt kinda bald!

Not knowing what to do and having just gotten over my depression, I posted on Facebook that I needed some help in regards to shedding and thankfully a couple of my friends gave me some tips but it was my girl Karina who pointed me in this direction, she suggested that I did a 'black tea rinse'.
I thought: huh? Where does one buy that at? (Thinking it was some new natural product) And she said that it was basically making a cup of tea and pouring it over my head but she pointed me to this Youtube video for instructions:
Please make sure you watch it BEFORE trying it or read this post thoroughly because one needs to follow instructions!

Any who, I watched the video and IMMEDIATELY went to the kitchen and got the leftover tea that my mother had made that morning. (She drinks tea every day, at all times! LOL) I poured it into a spray bottle and got to spraying as if my life depended on it.
Now let me pause here and say that before the tea, anytime I combed my hair it would shed pretty badly, I mean, I couldn't even run my fingers through my hair because a bunch would fall off without pulling or tugging at it. No wonder I was almost bald!
So I got to spraying my entire scalp and after about 10 minutes I applied conditioner over it because black tea makes your hair a bit hard and the last thing I needed was for my hair to become more tangled than usual. (Jesus No!) I left the mixture on my hair for maybe 5-10 more minutes and rinsed off while I detangled in the shower. The result was that I had ONE strand of hair on my comb after detangling. ONE!!! (Yes I'm shouting this) ONE!!! versus the regular dozens of hair strands.

I. Started. Crying.

Trust me, I'm not too attached to my hair at all BUT I had just gone through the worst experience of my life losing my baby, ended a relationship and felt extremely sad and just ugly, then to top it off, my hair was also leaving me? It was too much... It felt like the end of the world for a minute... And this little miracle that has been a part of my household for as long as I remember, this regular black Lipton teabag had the power to stop my hair from falling out, it stopped ME from having yet another thing to be depressed about. Yep, I'm being THAT dramatic cause that's how it felt for me!  Oh happy day!

It's very important to say that overusing black tea on hair has the power to stunt your hair from growing, so please use it moderately if you wish to try it. Also, make sure that you do YOUR OWN research. I have done research for everything I have tried regardless of what anyone tells me, and I suggest that you do the same.

I still use black tea every now and then but I also realized that I could make Rosemary tea, (Té de Romero), and pour it on instead of black tea. Rosemary is linked to hair growth so why not? You can get a little $0.25 pack of Rosemary at the grocery store, grab a little bit and pour it into some boiling water and let it cool off. Spray or pour and condition and go about your business. My hair is usually shiny and it smells very nice after I apply it and I haven't had any negative side effects.

I hope this is helpful for you as it was to me!

Peace & Love! ♥

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